Pineleng Theological Review <p><strong>Pineleng Theological Review</strong> is a peer-reviewed, open-access scholarly journal on Catholic Theology (e-ISSN: 3032-4491), published twice a year online by the Theology Department of Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng. It is devoted to the problems and questions of theology arising from classical and contemporary discussions.</p> <p><strong>Pineleng Theological Review</strong> publishes regular research papers, reviews, and comprehensive book reviews on the study of theology. All articles or reviews are peer-reviewed by a board of scholars to ensure that the articles are of scholarly quality.</p> Department of Theology - Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Seminari Pineleng en-US Pineleng Theological Review 3032-4491 PERTOBATAN EKOLOGIS DALAM TERANG ENSIKLIK LAUDATO SI /article/view/195 <p>The focus of this scientific paper is ecological conversion. The author sees it from the perspective of Pope Francis Laudato Si's Encyclical. Today it cannot be hidden that injustice to the environment, flora and fauna, natural resources, and fellow human beings is a serious problem. The author can call this problem ecological injustice. Because of that, the author takes the theme of ecological repentance in the light of the Encyclical Laudato Si. The purpose of this scientific writing is that the writer discover the concept of ecological conversion and realizes the concept of ecological conversion in the light of Laudato Si's Encyclical. In the process of scientific writing, the author uses two sources. The first source, let's say as a primary source, is the Encyclical Laudato Si. The second source as a secondary source is an article that has been previously written by another author. The author searches for these sources by using Google. The trick is to search for Google Scholar. The author uses the method of reading and analyzing primary sources and secondary sources as a reference to further strengthen the author's argument. After about 1 month, the writer managed to find two points as the purpose of this writing. First, the concept of repentance according to Laudato Si, realizes that the earth belongs together as brothers and sisters. This requires confessing sin as a form of God's presence in the world. What is prioritized is the motivation born of spirituality to preserve nature. Second, realizing the concept of ecological repentance. we must have education and spirituality as capital to view other creations as brothers. This from the Encyclical Laudato Si is proof that the Catholic Church has a living love, so that love is manifested with a sense of concern for God's fellow creatures.</p> Titus Paulus Maru Maru Kristofel Silan Seravin Lengkey Copyright (c) 2024 Pineleng Theological Review 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 1 1 1 12 10.53396/pthr.v1i1.195 PEMAHAMAN UMAT PAROKI TRINITAS MAHAKUDUS PASLATEN TENTANG TINDAKAN LITURGIS DALAM EKARISTI /article/view/263 <p>This study aims to know and understand the liturgical actions that occur in the parish of the Holy Trinity Paslaten. Then the researcher proceeds to the search for the level of liturgical understanding, especially the liturgical action of the people. In the end, we will know how liturgical teaching compares with the liturgical understanding and liturgical action of the people. The methods used are observation, interviews, and literature studies. Observation is made to observe liturgical actions that are carried out by people in liturgical celebrations. Interviews were conducted to determine the level of understanding and meaning of the people regarding the liturgical actions they carried out. A literature study was conducted to find out about the official teaching of the Church regarding liturgical action. Important results found are: the practice of liturgical action is often incompatible with teaching. The practice of the sign of the cross, standing, kneeling, and sitting is often not done properly and correctly. Such liturgical practices often also lose meaning and significance. However, there are still people who faithfully and passionately carry out these liturgical acts. From these results, it can be concluded that liturgical actions have not been fully carried out properly and correctly, nor have they often lost their meaning. The pastoral recommendations offered are good liturgical teaching and complete facilities to support liturgical action.</p> Raymond Lontoh Eduard Mayokan Vinsensius Raga Copyright (c) 2024 Pineleng Theological Review 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 1 1 53 64 10.53396/pthr.v1i1.263 PENTINGNYA PENDIDIKAN AGAMA KATOLIK BAGI SISWA-SISWI KATOLIK MENURUT CATECHESI TRADENDAE /article/view/193 <p>This paper aims to explain the importance of catechesis for Catholic students in schools. In this regard, the authors would like to analyze some relevant points of <em>Catechesi Tradendae</em> regarding catholic education. Generally speaking, the document talks about the importance of catechism in the present world. One of the basic ideas is to emphasize that catechesis is an important task for every Catholic for the development of their faith. This document also presents Pope John Paul II's efforts to support the development of the Church through catechesis. Finally, this document states that the formation of people of God cannot be separated from catechesis. A good spiritual formation will bring about a good development of the catholic faith.</p> David Christopher Andrew Muaja Firmus Sunlety Teresia Lian Ruban Copyright (c) 2024 Pineleng Theological Review 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 1 1 65 73 10.53396/pthr.v1i1.193 MISA TRADISIONAL MENURUT MOTU PROPRIO TRADITIONES CUSTODES /article/view/194 <p>Liturgy is an expression of faith in God which is expressed in a great way through the Eucharistic Celebration. Before the Second Vatican Council, the Church celebrated the Liturgy by using the 1962 Roman Missal, or celebrating the Traditional Mass (Tridentine). After the implementation of the Second Vatican Council, it was mutually agreed that the expression of Faith through the liturgy, using the 1970 Roman Missal, which was issued by Pope Paul Vi. Since then, the practice of using traditional mass is rarely used anymore. During the Pontifical period of Pope Benedict XVI, he issued the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, which permitted the Return to the Practice of this Traditional Mass. Three years later, Pope Francis asked the bishops through the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to review the implementation of the Summorum Pontificum. The Pope discovered that there was a movement towards division, so Pope Francis issued the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes to cancel the existing norms and laws in the Summorum Pontificum, to maintain the unity of the Church.</p> Federicoh Karundeng Fransiskus Xaverius Dedha Aristi Vanessa Oroh Copyright (c) 2024 Pineleng Theological Review 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 1 1 74 82 10.53396/pthr.v1i1.194 PENTINGNYA SAKRAMEN BAPTIS BAGI KESELAMATAN MENURUT KATEKISMUS GEREJA KATOLIK /article/view/196 <p>This article discusses the Catholic Church's view of the Sacrament of Baptism as a sign and means of salvation for the faithful. The author developed his writing based on the theological ideas contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. So, based on official Church documents, the author attempts to explain that the sacrament of baptism is not only an entry point for Church membership but also that baptism offers spiritual fruits that are useful for the salvation of believers. By baptism, the people are united to Christ both in death and also in His resurrection. This is why the sacrament of Baptism still plays such an important role in the Catholic Church.</p> Omega Yasinta Pelealu Steward Louis Fransisko Kaunang Gerrardi Vincent Frederico Mandagie Copyright (c) 2024 Pineleng Theological Review 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 1 1 83 97 10.53396/pthr.v1i1.196